BA Endurance offers Coaching Packages specially tailored to get you to your next event in peak shape and ready to perform. Whether this is for a race, trip, or physical fitness testing for a job, we have the experience and knowledge to safely guide you towards that date. This can be a single sport or multisport/triathlon focus.
You don't have to be a professional athlete to understand the importance of Strength Training to accompany your race or event goals, but you could be. Coach Bryce understands how to fine-tune any workout to meet the needs of the beginner athlete up to the seasoned pro after two decades in the strength and conditioning industry. Strength training is incorporated into all Coaching
Packages, but is also a stand-alone offering whether you have hit a
plateau with your current strength, already have your own training for an event and just need the performance boost or injury prevention aspects of lifting, or
you just never fully learned proper technique in the gym. We can help.
If your focus is on shorter distances, Coach Bryce can help. He has over three decades of experience in track and grew up in a cross-country family.
Whether off the beaten path or on it, BA Endurance can help prepare you for a single-day or multi-week adventure in varying environments and weather.